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Seamlessly Localize Your Django Application with Localize's AI-Powered Translation Solution

Integrate powerful translation capabilities into your Django projects with Localize. Our solution allows you to translate your web application content quickly and easily, reaching a broader audience in multiple languages.
Auto detect new content for translation
Utilize MTs, your translators, or our LSP's
Support for numerous language pairs

Translate Your Django Project

Localize your Django project, enabling your content to reach more people in more languages within a matter of minutes.
Auto detect new content for translation in Django
Utilize machine translations, human translators or our language service providers.
Support for numerous language pairings
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Streamline Localization for Your Django Content

Localize seamlessly integrates into your application with a single-line JavaScript snippet. Elevate visitor experiences by enabling them to access your content in their preferred language, all with just one line of code.

Effortlessly Localize Your Django Content

Localize runs in your application by executing a one-line JavaScript snippet. It's one line of code that will change the experience for visitors who want to read your content in their preferred language

Comprehensive Integration Guides and Documentation

Get up and running quickly with access to integration guides, in-depth documentation, and live customer support.
Dashboard mockup

Powerful and Flexible Localization for Django

Simplify & Automate Translation

Transform how you handle translations in Django projects with Localize. Our integration helps you identify new content for translation automatically, manage Django translations directly through an intuitive dashboard, and maintain consistency across languages. Moreover, implementing the system is easy, with detailed documentation and support to guide you through every step.

Real-Time Content Detection and Translation

Enhance your Django application with real-time content detection and translation using Localize. This feature allows your site to automatically recognize new content and prepare it for translation without manual intervention. By integrating this capability, you ensure that your users always receive the most up-to-date information in their preferred language.

Significant Cost and Time Savings

By automating your Django translation process and utilizing machine translation, you reduce the need for extensive manual translation work. Our platform also helps cut down on the time required to bring your translated content to market, allowing you to reach global audiences faster.


Effortlessly Set Up In No Time!

Explore Your Django Site in Any Language to Seamlessly Transmit Content to the Localize Dashboard

Step 1

Copy and paste the Localize code snippet into the index file of your Django application.

Step 2

Visit the pages of your Django site in your new language to send your content into the Localize Dashboard.

Step 3

Approve and publish phrase translations on your site or web app immediately!

Need Help Implementing Localize for


Read our
Integration Guide
in our Help Center

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do I Integrate Your Translation Solution Into My Django App?

Integrating Localize into your Django app is a straightforward process that begins with adding a single line of JavaScript to your application. First, copy the provided Localize code snippet and paste it into the index file of your Django application. Then, visit the pages of your site in the new language to send content to the Localize dashboard. From there, you can approve and publish Django translations immediately, making your site multilingual with minimal effort.

What Are the Benefits of Django Translation?

Using Localize for translating Django projects provides numerous advantages. It enables you to reach a wider audience by offering your content in multiple languages. This can lead to increased user engagement and satisfaction as visitors can access information in their preferred language. Moreover, by automating the translation process, you save time and reduce costs associated with manual translations, making your project more scalable and accessible globally.

How Can I Manage Translations for Dynamic Content in Django?

Localize offers robust tools for managing translations of dynamic content in your Django application. Once integrated, Localize automatically detects new and updated content, sending it to the translation dashboard. You can use machine translations, your team of translators, or our professional language service providers to handle the translation in Django. The system allows you to review, approve, and publish translations, ensuring that dynamic content is always up-to-date and accurately translated.

Do I Need to Write Any Code to Use Your Translation Tool With Django?

Localize is designed to be user-friendly and does not require extensive coding to implement. By adding a single line of JavaScript to your Django application, you can initiate the Django translation process. This minimal coding requirement makes it accessible for developers of all skill levels and allows you to quickly enable multilingual support for your site without making sweeping changes to your existing codebase.

How Does Your Solution Ensure the Accuracy of Translations?

Localize ensures the accuracy of Django translations through several measures. You have the option to use machine translations, your own translators, or our professional language service providers who have been trained to deliver high-quality translations. The platform provides tools for reviewing and approving translations before they go live, allowing you to maintain control over the final output. Also, comprehensive support and documentation are available to help you manage and refine your translation workflow effectively.

Helping 1000+ Companies Go Global

Reduction in time to market
9 in 10
Traffic increase in target languages
Reduction in human translation costs

Ready to translate your website and content faster?

Get started today.